Hanson Okoe Burgesson, holds a Professional Executive Masters in Appropriate Dispute Resolution(ADR)and is a certified PULSE-ADR Practitioner(Delta) from Gamey and Gamey ADR Institute.
He is a Counsellor, an agriculturist, a tutor and an administrator with experience in education, real estate and family life. Counsellor Delta Burgesson is a certified counsellor.
PULSE mediation specialises in maintaining and restoring relationships whilst resolving substantive conflict between individuals, groups and organisations. It helps people who are in a dependent relationship to foster a peaceful existence while
working together. Counsellor Delta Burgesson merges PULSE and CounsMed approach (a merger of counselling and mediation) in helping to resolve marital and family disputes and bringing feuding parties unto a common place where love is shared. Many individuals and families have benefited from his faith-based and professional counselling and mediation services. Counsellor Delta Burgesson helps individuals identify their inherent, inborn, personality to improve on themselves to become better, using ‘The Better Me’ approach.
Counsellor Delta Hanson Okoe Burgesson is a licensed counsellor with the Ghana Psychological Council, Member of Ghana Association of Christian Counsellors and a founding member of the Association of Pulse Practitioners of Ghana with speciality in Pre and post marital counselling, loss and bereavement counselling, family life counselling and carrier counselling.
Areas of Expertise in Dispute Resolution
Family, Marital, Church and Labour related disputes.